25 Nerdy Cat Names

If you're searching for the perfect name for your new feline friend, pick a smart and snappy nerdy cat name. Whether you're a science buff, bookworm, video game enthusiast, or tech guru, there are an abundance of nerdy cat names to choose from when adopting a new cat.
Math nerds know that Pi equates to 3.1415926….and so on. This indefinite decimal has no end and is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. But whether you’re into math stats or not, Pi is a short and sweet name for your new feline friend.
If you’re a computer nerd, Pixel is a cute option for either a female or male cat name with a techie twist.
Princess Leia
If you’re a Star Wars fan and looking for a nerdy cat name for a female cat, Princess Leia is a top option. The galactic heroine from the Star Wars movies makes a purr-fect nerdy cat name.
Another popular nerdy cat name for Star Wars fan is Yoda. He’s small and wise—much like your furry friend. Smart your cat is!
If your cat is super smart or always has a bright idea on scoring more treats, he sounds like an Einstein. This nerdy cat name is a no-brainer!
For science buffs, Newton makes a good nerdy cat name. You can also opt for the more formal ‘Sir Isaac Newton’ if you’re into super long names.
Borrow a nerdy cat name from the chemistry lab and name your kitten Beaker!
Nano is a prefix that means ‘extremely small’; in fact, the Greek word ‘nanos’ means dwarf. If you’re on the prowl for a nerdy cat name for a small cat or a Munchkin breed, then Nano makes a great choice!
If your kitten is in beta-mode—learning a lot and working out the bugs of being a domestic house cat, then Beta might be the best nerdy cat name.
An open source operating system, Linux is a nerdy cat name for computer enthusiasts.
A cute name for a nerdy cat, Dot is a play on the internet explosion known as the dot-com era.
If you’re a programmer, you know that Java is more than the slang word for coffee. Instead, JavaScript is a popular programming language—and a great nerdy cat name.
A double play on the iconic computer mouse and the classic cat-and-mouse relationship, consider naming your cat Mouse.
Short for Macintosh, every Apple enthusiast knows that Mac makes a cute nerdy cat name.
Ruby is the perfect nerdy cat name for a female cat. This programming language originated in Japan but is widely known and used today and might be the ideal name for your feline.
Siri, the famous voice assistant housed in Apple’s devices, is a great name for your cat. If your feline friend is always listening for your call, name her Siri. While your cat may not be able to remind you of your next appointment or tell you the weather, she will have plenty of love and support to give.
If you’re a literary nut, name your cat Dewey—like the Dewey Decimal system that keeps library shelves in order.
Borrow a nerdy cat name from a classic piece of literature and name your cat Atticus. A central figure in the well-read and much-loved To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is remembered for his wisdom and integrity.
For video game enthusiasts, Atari makes a perfect retro nerdy cat name. This early gaming company was well-known for arcade and home video game systems and many of the company’s games are considered classics today.
The Sega game console was a favorite early video game system, and you can bring back those memories if you name your cat Sega.
Everyone’s favorite early-90’s hedgehog was blazing fast and bright blue. While your cat is of a different species and doesn’t sport a bright blue coat, Sonic might be the perfect name for your new best friend.
Sonic’s sidekick also has a name that’s ideal for cats: Tails. If you are looking for another nerdy cat name tied to your love of 90’s video games, consider this name—especially if your cat has a super long tail!
If you’re into science and searching for a catchy nerdy name, then Helix might be the right choice. Basically a three-dimensional curve, a helix is best known for its role in giving DNA structure. Whether you’re a biology buff or not, Helix makes a unique cat name!
Blaine Pascal was a famous mathematician and scientist. Today, the Pascal is a scientific unit of measure for pressure. You don’t need to know all of that, however, to know that Pascal makes a cute nerdy name for a female cat!
For fans of astronomy and space, Apollo is a great nerdy cat name. The Apollo spacecraft delivered the first man to the moon. While your kitten won’t be making any lunar landings, Apollo might be the perfect pick for a name.