Can Dogs Get Pimples?
Dogs can get pimples, or canine acne, for several reasons. Learn the causes, and symptoms of and find out how to treat pimples in dogs.
Dogs can get pimples, or canine acne, for several reasons. Learn the causes, and symptoms of and find out how to treat pimples in dogs.
Dog hiccups in dogs are a fleeting nuisance in most cases, but sometimes they can mean something more. Learn what to watch for and find out how to get rid of dog hiccups.
Eclampsia is a complication in some lactating dogs that involves low calcium levels. Learn about eclampsia in dogs and find out what to do about it.
Diabetes isn't just something that affects people. Dogs can also become diabetic. What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of diabetes in dogs?
Hyperkeratosis in dogs occurs when skin cells produce too much keratin, resulting in the growth of dry, thick fronds of tissue on the nose and paw pads. Learn the signs, causes, and treatment of hyperkeratosis in dogs.
What is a spay? Should you have your dog spayed? Learn what it means to spay a dog, a procedure also known as an ovariohysterectomy.
Is your dog coughing and feeling unwell? It could be due to respiratory inflammation called bronchitis. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Learn about puppy dehydration including the symptoms and causes and how to treat the potentially dangerous situation.
Batteries are everywhere thanks to modern tech. They can prove to be very dangerous, though, if your dog were to ingest one.
Acid reflux in dogs can cause burping and vomiting as well as progressive inflammation of the esophagus. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Cloudy eyes in dogs can be caused by several conditions and may affect vision. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention and when to call your vet.
Learn about the most common injuries in dogs—whether in their legs, spine, tail, or eye—and how you should treat them with this helpful list.
Folliculitis is a common skin condition in dogs. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Parvovirus is a highly contagious disease. Properly disinfecting your home is an important part of decreasing the spread of this virus.
Rectal prolapse in a dog can be an alarming thing to see. Find out why this happens, how to prevent it, and how to heal dog prolapse at home.
Sepsis is a serious illness that develops when bacteria infect a dog's bloodstream. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention to keep your dog safe.
Actinomycosis is a potentially life threatening bacterial infection in dogs. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Bladder cancer is a rare but aggressive disease that causes a great deal of pain and is often fatal. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Not all dogs need flea baths due to better flea control options, but there may be times when it is necessary. Here's how to give your dog a flea bath.
Itchy, irritated skin can be uncomfortable for a dog. While there are common, they can be treated. Read on for our guide to how to treat skin irritation in dogs.